I earn my " roll " with " electronics ".

Mainly I repair and modify automatic controllers and measuring instruments for the industry.

From time to time I also a little develop.

Here two developments, of which I am proud:

1.) The Tennis-CONTROLLER, an interactive assistance, in order to acquire itself an economic tennis play. Dynamics and ball check improve by means of the subconscious.

To the "Mini-Tennis-School" and the area of application for the tennis-controller.

2.) The " Bioskop " was developed particularly for the transfer of peristalsis. It finds in psychotherapeutically sessions application, how they are held after the theories of
G. Boyesen

( If you liked to know more about or the other one, send to me a Mail).

If you have still time remaining and a special Chat-space to become acquainted with liked, then continue to move, but you ask with patience, since because of the many pretty pictures the structure of the page needs some time.

( If no Frames is represented, you can leave your opinion here to me. )